Larry Benjamin’s Photos

Hi, welcome to my website. Please click on the thumbnails below or the headings above to enter each gallery

Film, Digital and alternative processes - all great for image-making. From 5x4 to micro four thirds I enjoy it all and if you purchase any prints, 50% goes to help prevent and treat blindness around the world via Orbis.

Since 2004 I have worked with the NGO Orbis (the Flying Eye Hospital) which has taken me to many parts of the developing world. I continue to work with them and from any sales I make from prints on this site I will contribute 50% to Orbis. Click the link above to take a virtual tour of this incredible aeroplane.

If you are interested in purchasing any prints please get in touch via the contacts page -50% of all sales donated to Orbis UK to help treat and prevent blindness

I enjoy most genres of photography and hope you enjoy looking at these pictures as much as I enjoyed making them.